Green Schools
Summary of main endeavours and achievements
- Education for Sustainability module for TY’s.
- BinIt workshop for first and second years
- FOG’S Campaign. Poster/online and classroom education week long campaign in school and wider community
- Water Ambassador Officers
- Water Ambassador Runner Up Award
- Reusable Water Bottle Roll Out – personalised with Knockbeg/Tir3D Logo’s
- Raised beds made from upcycled plastic bottles. TY’s worked with
- Jonathan to make and plant.
- Whole school talk by Minister Malcolm Noonan
- Organisation of Carlow Secondary Schools Environmental Group
- Ongoing Litter and Waste awareness and maintenance programmes
- Participation in An Taisce, Globe Air and Water monitoring pilot programmes
- Continuous planting of trees, bulbs etc to increase Biodiversity
- NO MOW MAY participation
- Ongoing social media awareness campaign on school Twitter accounts
- Water use and monitoring with the help of Johnathon.
- Award of second Green Schools Flag for water (following on from all the requirements to achieve this over a two-year period)